Uniform Requirements
Shirts, Sweaters and Sweatshirts (tops)
- Solid white tops may be worn at all schools. Individual schools may designate additional solid color tops.
- Students must wear plain shirts with a collar. Mock turtlenecks and turtlenecks are acceptable.
- Shirts may have school-approved logos.
- Shirts may not exceed one size larger or smaller than necessary as determined by the school administrator.
- Shirts must be tucked in (exceptions may be made for Pre-school and kindergarten students as needed by administration).
- White T-shirts (long or short sleeves) may be worn under uniform shirts.
- Students may wear plain, sweaters or sweatshirts over school uniforms. The sweaters or sweatshirts may be solid white or school designated colors
Pants, Skirts, Skorts, Jumpers, Capris and Shorts (Bottoms)
- Bottoms may be solid khaki, gray, or black.
- Jeans are not permitted. Principals may make exceptions for a specific group such as seniors or for special days.
- Bottoms must be free of graphics and embroidery. With the exception of small labels, bottoms may not have insignias, words or pictures.
- Shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers shall be modest and of sufficient length. The length of these articles of clothing shall be no shorter than three (3) inches above the top of the knee when standing.
- Cargo-style pants or shorts are not permitted.
- Clothing may not exceed one size larger than necessary as determined by a school administrator. Baggy or sagging pants or shorts are not permitted. “Low rise” clothing is not permitted. Pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn at the natural waistline.
Coats and Jackets (Outerwear)
- Outerwear may not be worn inside the school building during the school day.
- Outerwear may be worn during a class change if the student is exiting the building.
- Outerwear may be worn to school and placed in the student’s locker. If a locker is not available, it may be hung in the classroom or other location designated by the principal and/or the principal’s designee.
- The principal and/or the principal’s designee may make an exception if the building or classroom is unusually cold.
Shoes, Sneakers and Boots (Footwear)
- Footwear must be worn at all times. Shoes shall conform, as needed, to special requirements such as P.E. classes, ROTC, science labs, etc.
- Laces on shoes and sneakers must be tied.
- Flip flops, crocs, and slippers are not permitted.
- Heelies are not permitted.