School Nurse
Meredith Larsen, RN
School Nurse
Our school is served by a nurse. The nurse is present at River Ridge Academy each school day. It is vitally important that we have emergency numbers on file so we may reach you in an emergency. This includes all available numbers such as home, work, pager, cellular, emergency contact, etc.
The nurse assists students who are ill or in need of medical attention. Students must have a pass from their teacher to go to the nurse’s office. The nurse will assist students and determine what nursing treatment and/or medical treatment, if any, is necessary. Contact with the parents or guardians will be made at that time to discuss further treatment, if necessary, or to obtain permission for students to go home.
A medical card with parental signature, current health information, and emergency contact information is required to be on file throughout the year. Only after this is filled out by the parents or guardians, may certain medications be given by the nurse if she deems it necessary. Prudent nursing assessment and measures are always used first to alleviate any student discomfort.
Students who need to take medication prescribed by their physicians must store the medication with the nurse in the prescription bottle with the directions and the pharmacy label on it. A form provided by the district must be signed by the parent or guardian and also the prescribing physician in order for the nurse to dispense this medication (See form attachment below). Students are not allowed to carry any type of medication and/or take medication on their own unless written authorization is provided. If you prefer your student (10 years and over) to self carry, please contact nurse Larsen at her email address as this requires additional paperwork. Students found in possession of any medication may result in up to 10 days of out of school suspension and a district expulsion hearing.
The nurse is available to students with health questions and/or issues and will act as an advocate for students and parents. The nurse can provide assistance in using other health services in the community.