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ST 1.9

ST1.9: STEM teachers and leaders participate in a continuous program of STEM-specific professional learning.

All teachers in grades K-5 have been provided extensive training to implement Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Launch so that students are exposed to a rich problem-based curriculum focusing on solving real world problems. The PLTW Launch program promotes critical thinking, engagement in hands-on learning, design thinking, and problem solving.   Engineering Design Process Training

Project Lead the Way Launch K-5 Curriculum



1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

Pushes & Pulls

Light & Sound

The Changing Earth

Stability and Motion: Forces and Interactions

Energy Collisions

Robotics Challenge

Structure & Function of Human Body

Sun & Moon

Properties of Matter

Science of Flight

Energy Conversion

Infection Detection

Animals & Algorithms

Animal Adaptations

Materials Science: Form & Function

Programming Patterns

The Body’s Computer

Infection Model & Simulation

Exploring Design

Story Animations

Grids and Games

Variation of Traits

Input/Output Computer Systems

Robotics & Automation

Teachers at River Ridge have a wealth of professional training and learning that extends into the classroom daily.  We have many teachers on staff who have graduate degrees in Educational Technology, Science Education, Mathematics Education, and Educational Computing. The Gateway to Technology teacher participates in ongoing STEM training in areas of Design & Modeling, Automation & Robotics, as well as Energy & the Environment.   

Master Naturalist

River Ridge teachers seek professional learning opportunities to support their own practice by attending STEM conferences such as the annual Discovery Center STEM Conference and participating in the Roper Mountain Science Center program for educators.  Teachers also participate in STEM related professional learning opportunities provided by the district during our annual Summer Institute such as Making the National Wildlife Refuge an Extension of Your Classroom and Living in the Salt Marsh.  

Three teachers have completed the Lowcountry Teacher Master Naturalist yearlong class and three teachers are currently enrolled.  This professional learning opportunity is sponsored by Clemson University and The LowCountry Institute to train educators on understanding the local environment and how to preserve it.

At River Ridge, we provide ongoing professional learning opportunities focused on the Engineering Design Process, research based instructional strategies that align with STEM beliefs and values, and curriculum mapping of interdisciplinary units.  Teacher have daily common planning time to collaborate and discuss curriculum and instructional methods.