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ST 1.8

ST1.8: STEM learning outcomes demonstrate students' STEM literacy necessary for the next level of STEM learning for post-secondary and workforce readiness.

River Ridge teachers diligently create relevant and rigorous lessons that prepare students for post-secondary and beyond.  In developing STEM literate students, teachers understand the importance of teaching students to think logically and sequentially, to be good problem solvers, to analyze text and numbers, to see relationships, know how to ask good questions, and make hypothesis that will lead to powerful critical thinking skills across all disciplines.  River Ridge teachers incorporate literary elements such point of view, analyzing primary and secondary sources, and communication skills that will also prepare students for the next level.  

As a new school, we currently do not have data from state assessments to demonstrate STEM learning outcomes.  However, Beaufort County Schools does require a benchmark assessment that is given three times a year for ongoing progress monitoring.  River Ridge Academy administers the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments in the fall, winter, and spring each year in the area of reading, math, and science. Data from the MAP assessments is used to inform our instructional practices in the classroom and set goals for learning.

During the 2015-2016 year, River Ridge placed in the top five schools in the district for high student achievement on the MAP assessments in grades K-8. All grade levels (K-8), consistently scored above the district and national norms in the areas of reading, math, and science. In each grade level, at least 70% of our students performed at the 50th percentile or higher in all tested areas (reading, math, and science).  

To better prepare students for post-secondary and workforce readiness we have increased the number of students taking math, science, and technology courses for high school credit in the 7th and 8th grades.  In 2015-2016, only 31 students were enrolled in classes for high school credit, compared to 184 students this academic year. Providing students with the opportunity to earn high school credit in STEM courses as a middle school student will allow students the opportunity to take higher level STEM course as a high school student.