ST1.6: The interdisciplinary problem-based curriculum includes a focus on real world applications.
River Ridge teachers, K-8, work collaboratively to curriculum map and align South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards for ELA and Mathematics,Mathematical Process Standards, Science and Engineering Practices, as well as Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Launch and Gateway to design interdisciplinary units focused on solving real world problems.
During our first year at River Ridge, teachers in grades K-4 have worked to develop an interdisciplinary concept-based thinking curriculum that supports our STEM approach to education. Concept-based teaching and learning allows students to make connections across disciplines and connect their learning to promote a higher level of understanding and global thinking. Each grade level has identified an overarching concept, or “big idea” that represents the content and standards at that grade level. This overarching concept is reinforced by smaller concepts throughout the year that support specific units of study. Teachers have carefully planned and designed interdisciplinary units that demonstrate depth of complexity within the grade level and across the span of Kindergarten to Fourth Grade.