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ST 1.5

ST1.5: Students demonstrate their learning through performance-based assessments and express their conclusions through elaborated explanations of their thinking.

River Ridge Academy students are challenged on a weekly basis in all classrooms to demonstrate their learning through multiple measures including performance-based assessments.  Outside the expectation of the PLTW curriculum used in grades K-8, our students are assessment through a variety of performance-based assessments regularly.  Some ways our students demonstrate mastery include: creating videos, websites, dioramas, displays, and artifacts to name a few.  In addition students articulate their mastery of content both verbally and through constructed responses across all content areas.

Black History Month Performance Assessment



During our first year, we hosted a STEM night showcasing student work at each grade level. Students were asked to present their work to the community as well as explain and defend their work when asked.  

Montessori and PLTW Showcase Invite


PLTW: Solving Problems and Demonstrating Mastery

River Ridge students are actively engaged in the PLTW curriculum on a regular basis.  At each grade level students are faced with problems and utilize their knowledge, creatively and the engineering design process to find solutions.  Students demonstrate their mastery across content areas through their products and explanations. 
Grade 3 Performance Assessment Example






Electric City: Students in 6th grade Students research components that cities need to thrive. They create scale drawings of their building, create circuit drawings showing the energy needed for the building and construct their building to be part of a city. Working with Pasco windmills, solar panels and hydrogen power students determine how best to power areas of the city. This real world application allows students to problem solve, collaborate and be engineers to design their buildings, determine the electricity needed and apply their scale drawings for their final product.